Ben 10 Porn

Ben 10 Porn Story: Colored lightning – Chapter 2

Ben 10 Porn Story: Colored lightning – Chapter 2

pull of Static

was something about this girl that wasnt normal.

was leaning forwards in his chair, hands supporting his chin. He was
stareing at the girl who was lying on the couch opposite him,
dripping wet. She looked about their age, and there was just
something about her, something abnormal he couldnt put his finger
on. It surprisingly wasnt the way she was dressed, although that
did puzzle him. She was clearly not dressed for winter weather.

was wearing a knee-length fluttery-hemmed, light purple skirt. Her
shirt was empire-waisted and flowy , with thin, lacy sleeves that
hooked on her thumb, and covered half her hand and palm. It was also
the same color, and he found that a bit fishy. Her entire outfit was
also covered in the same, strange faded swirling patterns starting at
the bottoms, that continually faded upward into solid light purple on
the top of her skirt and shirt, also up her sleeves. She wasnt
wearing any shoes, but she was wearing a necklace. It was a crystal,
sun-shaped pendant suspended on a gold chain.

as he focused his attention on her face, Gwen walked in looking
panic-stricken. She covered the girl with a red fleece blanket, not
getting any reaction from her. Ben had taken her pulse when they
brought her in, and she was breathing normally, but she still looked
grave. He, once again, focused on her face. Her lips were blue, and
chapped. She had pale skin, and her hair was peculiar. It was
shoulder length, light, chestnut brown, wavy and layered. She had a
streak of bright white on the right side, starting at her hair part,
and ending on one of the layers surrounding her face at chin-level.

looked away to find Kevin, who was standing in the middle of the
living room. Suddenly, all the light bulbs exploded with a deafening
crack, and the shatter of broken glass. Gwen ran for the emergency
flashlight, and ran straight into Kevin, who was pulling a mini-flash
light out of his pocket. She bounced off him, and landed with a thud.
Ben bolted upright out of his chair, and ran over to them. Kevin
clicked on the mini-flashlight-keychain and shined it at Gwen, who
was on the floor.

help? he asked, mildly mocking. He extended his hand, and she took
it, giving his an arm a jerking tug. The little beam of the
flashlight went flying around the room, and landed on the molding at
the bottom of the wall, streaking across the wood floor.

He dropped it, thought Ben
amused, his foot hitting a plastic box under his chair. He bent down,
hearing a few muttered words coming from Gwen and Kevins
direction, and felt under the chair. His hand landed on the object,
finding a big, block flashlight. He lifted it out, and flipped on the
switch. He then aimed the large beam at Gwen and Kevin, sitting side
by side on the floor.

mature. Ben added smugly to the scene. Gwen and Kevin both glared
daggers at him, but he just grinned. He then turned the beam at the
girl, laying in the same position she had started in.

go to my house, Ive still got light there. Ben stated, dropping
the grin and turning the flashlight back on Gwen and Kevin. They both
nodded, and got up simultaneously.

Kevin walked over to the still sleeping girl. He picked
her up bridal style, her head leaning in against his arm, and headed
for the hallway while stubbing his toe on the coffee table. He almost
dropped her, but regained composure as he waited for Gwen and Ben.
They were standing behind him smirking.

start. he stated, razors in his voice.

should bring some warmer clothes for her first, shell need some.
said Gwen as she walked up the staircase, and turned into her room.
Ben and Kevin waited in silence and darkness, Kevin growing more
impatient by the second. He felt like his arms were about to fall
off. She finally appeared after several minutes carrying a sky blue
messenger bag over one shoulder. It looked full.

look about the same size, or close enough. she added as she walked
past Kevin to take the lead. Ben held up the flashlight to let her
see as he walked. She headed for the back door, leading to the
driveway, where Kevin wouldve parked his green sports car. She
nearly strangled Kevin when she saw the giant, gaping hole in the
wooden door, letting snow on the welcome mat.

why? she asked insanely annoyed. He just smirked. She moaned,
angry and stomped through. Ben opened it, to make it big enough for
Kevin to go through without causing the girl head injuries. Then Ben
followed, and slid in the backseat of Kevins car. Then Kevin
walked up, surrounded by falling snow, and looked down at him

he ordered, very impatient. Ben was confused for a little, then
jumped out of the car, getting the idea. Kevin leaned forward, and
slid the girl into the seat on the far side, leaning her head against
the window. After Kevin clicked the girls seat belt in, he climbed
into the drivers seat. Ben, once again, slid into the backseat. They
drove for a good twenty minutes on the salted roads, the salt
crackling under the tires.

didnt we call the hospital? asked Gwen, suddenly dumbfounded.
Why didnt we? Ben
thought silently, a puzzled look sliding over his face.

didnt seem like a good idea, for some reason. answered Kevin,
his eyes never leaving the road. It hadnt
seemed like a good idea. It had seemed out of the question to them,
and it still did. That really confused them. Normally they would have
called an ambulance, but something told them not to.

glanced at the girl, and she seemed unmoved by the bumps in the road.
Her hair hadnt even moved out of place. It was like she was
statically charged, stuck to her center, unable to break the pull of
the static.

noticed that she was, well, not normal? asked Ben from the back
seat, taking his eyes off the girl and looking at Gwen.

was your first clue? asked Kevin sarcastically. Glancing back at
Ben, then at the road again.

I mean really different, like, I dont know, Ben began to fish
in his mind for the words.

finished Gwen Its really weird. she added. So,
its not just me,
thought Ben as they
pulled into his driveway.